Supportive services are critical to ensuring that the men we serve are not only able to move into permanent housing, but are able to maintain longevity in their homes. Working within the model of "client centered", our counseling and case management focuses on helping those struggling with the challenges and daily pressures of life while providing them with tools to overcome obstacles that may impede their success.
Employment Readiness
One of the most critical factors that lead to homelessness is the lack of having the means to sustain oneself. Our team works with individuals to help them overcome employment barriers, such as incarceration, lack of work or education, disabilities, gaps in employment and limited job search skills just to name a few. To aid in our efforts, we provide basic computer skills to complete online applications, resume writing and job search via the Internet. Additionally, we show them how to present tax credits to prospective employers, address difficult questions during an interview and learn how to maintain a positive attitude during the entire process.
Relapse Prevention
Substance abuse is one of the major factors that lead to homelessness. Therefore, our relapse prevention groups are designed to help individuals identify and understand the process of regression and how relapse is something that happens before one ever picks up a drink or drug. With the understanding that the struggle to stay sober can last for years, leading to constant bouts with relapse, we educate men on how to effectively cope with emotional and external triggers brought on by trauma, co-occurring disorders, and the day to day challenges of life.
"Men at Work” Life Skills Support
This group is designed to address the wide range of issues that prevent men in our community from effectively stepping into their respective roles as fathers, husbands, sons, providers and leaders in our community. Our “no holds barred” approach addresses the social climate of our communities, and its effects on men from emotional and behavioral issues, violence, substance abuse, family breakdown, displacement, depression, unemployment, homelessness, and environmental re-acclimation. Through peer support groups, and one on one counseling we help men to reshape their thinking and behaviors as well as help them develop effective tools for communication and coping with day-to-day challenges. With a successful completion of this program, we hope to guide men to resume their roles in our community, move on towards gainful employment, become providers for their families and find healthy alternatives for leading successful lives in our community.
The M.I.S.T (Misdemeanor Incompetent to Stand Trial) program is a jail diversion housing program that provides residential housing as an alternative to jail for men with misdemeanor offenses. While in this program, men receive wraparound services, ranging from case management, medication monitoring, therapy and permanent housing. The primary focus of this program is to address the mental health of individuals that may otherwise languish in our jails or institutions and provide them with supportive services that will help them move from the streets to independent community living.
Ella’s Foundation is proud to partner with Amity Foundation to provide housing under the S.T.O.P (Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming) program to formerly incarcerated men. Each year, around 50,000 people go directly to a shelter after being released from prison. And people who have spent time in prison are nearly 10 times as likely to face homelessness. Finding a home after being released from prison is paramount, and maintaining that housing is equally important. To ensure the greatest success of re-acclimating into the society after incarceration, Ella’s Foundation provides formerly incarcerated men, with therapeutic and supportive environment that includes services such as, employment readiness, relapse prevention, case management, counseling and permanent housing.
Los Angeles has the highest population of chronically homeless individuals and nearly all of them sleep on the street. Ella’s Foundation Supportive Housing program is designed to assist homeless adult males (18-65 years old) in the transition from homelessness to sustainable living, by providing them access to supportive services while being housed at Ella’s Foundation. We provide housing for the following populations, TAY, FSP, Veterans and to anyone who is homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Ella’s Foundation operates four supportive housing locations in the Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley area.
Youth Emergency
Currently, Los Angeles County has over 50,000 homeless individuals, of which nearly 6,000 of them are transitional aged youth between the ages of 18-24 years old. With the increase of youth homelessness, the need to offer a safe and supportive environment is greater than ever. Ella’s Foundation offers young men a nurturing and supportive environment that addresses physical and mental health needs, including but not limited to criminal and high-risk sexual behavior, substance abuse, trauma and emotional distress. By addressing the factors that contribute to youth homelessness, we can help to prevent these behaviors from becoming disabilities or life-long impediments.